The aim of this work was to study air flows, temperature distribution and relative humidity inside an alternative greenhouse designed to produce rose

Numerical evaluation of passive strategies for nocturnal climate optimization in a greenhouse designed for rose production (Rosa spp.)
The aim of this work was to evaluate passive air climatization alternatives seeking to optimize the nocturnal microclimate of a multi-tunnel Gothic greenhouse projected for rose production in Bogota savannah
Experimental evaluation of the thermal and hygrometric behavior of a Colombian greenhouse used for the production of roses (Rosa spp.)
The aim of this work consisted in the evaluation of a passive greenhouse through an experimental approach that included the capture and recording of data through a grid of 40 sensors homogeneously distributed inside the greenhouse
Effects of surrounding objects on the thermal performance of passively ventilated greenhouses
The objective of this work was to analyse the effect of surrounding constructions and natural obstacles on the thermal performance of two naturally ventilated greenhouses
Determinación del comportamiento térmico de un invernadero espacial colombiano mediante dinámica de fluidos computacional
El objetivo del trabajo consistió en evaluar el comportamiento térmico de un invernadero espacial en condiciones de clima diurno y nocturno
Analysis of the microclimatic behavior of a greenhouse used to produce carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)
The objective was to determine the microclimatic behavior of a passive spatial-type greenhouse used in Colombia for carnation production
Simulación con base en la técnica dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD), para el diseño y optimización de la ventilación natural de los invernaderos de flores de corte en la sabana de Bogotá. Serie Innovaciones en floricultura Vol. 8
Se presentan los resultados del proyecto de investigación sobre generación de una herramienta de diseño u optimización de ventilación natural de invernaderos